I am frequently disappointed by the lack of attention to detail by the many members who write to me. There are so many things that are easy to do, that no one seems to do.Let me start with my primary concern – the lack of outgoing signatures. Incredibly, some emails I get aren’t even signe...
Jun 24, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
If you haven’t seen the movie “My Cousin Vinny,” you may not really understand where this line comes from. If this is the case, please accept my apology for this reference out of left field. It is an old movie, and it wasn’t a great one.As opposed to the marketing and sales folks I have me...
Oct 16, 2023
By Matt Bud, The FENG
During April, May and early June I am usually preparing our sailboat for our annual two week trip.I take pretty good care of my boats, but still, there is always a maintenance list. This year, as is my practice, I went through each and every locker, removed everything and went through it i...
Jul 17, 2023
By Matt Bud, The FENG
What everyone should be clear about is that although I believe that “been there and done that” is more respected now than in most previous time periods in our great nation, you still have to “prove the null hypothesis” that you can do the job better than anyone else. The reduced lack of ag...
Jan 18, 2023
By Matt Bud, The FENG
Although there is no truth to the rumor that I have a pair of wing tip boat shoes, I do try to dress well for our meetings here in Connecticut as well as to any other networking event I attend.I suppose since the meeting of the Westport Chapter is near where I live, at the end of day, and ...
Dec 21, 2022
By Matt Bud, The FENG
It is important to understand that all job leads are not created equal. In fact, the very idea of a job lead is that something very specific is being sought. Often times the primary issues are repeated in a lead in paragraph and referred to as “must haves.” The question is often how seriou...
Oct 10, 2022
By Matt Bud, The FENG
The process of self-assessment is never easy. It is sort of like taking out your own appendix, but without anesthetic.As senior financial folks, it is often the case that we don’t have to engage ourselves in the game of “What is it we do? And, who are we?” until very late in our careers. U...
Oct 17, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
If I had to put my finger on the one issue that confuses senior financial professionals it is the subject above. Who is the customer for your services, and what is your product?When I have chatted with or had email exchanges with members who were going through outplacement, the bad advice ...
Aug 07, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
Over the years, I used to keep only a handful of CD’s in my car and I played them over and over again. I supposed I shouldn’t admit this to a wide audience, but one of my favorite music categories is sea shanties. (It goes along with my hobby of sailing). When I had cassette tapes, I actua...
Jul 16, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
When it comes to writing, there is no more powerful tool than a sharp pencil.I long ago declared war on unnecessary words. Why? Because they are unnecessary.The normal space allotment for a resume is two pages. Okay, if you have to go to three, I might be able to live with it, but generall...
Mar 02, 2025
By Matt Bud, The FENG
Have you ever wondered who is that guy/gal in the mirror? I’m sure we all stare at that familiar face from time to time, but the real question is who are you and what do you do best?You would think that if you just took a few minutes and read your own resume, you could solve this one, but ...
Jun 26, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
I am at all times amazed and astounded at the lack of attention to detail by the many members who write to me. There are so many things that are easy to do, that no one seems to do.Let me start with my primary concern (and one I write about constantly), the lack of outgoing signatures. Inc...
Jul 10, 2023
By Matt Bud, The FENG
Almost all of the resumes I see are from members or new member applicants. In any given week, I go through a batch of 40-50 resumes.What is surprising is how much trouble some folks go to disguising their seniority and great skills.It is my belief and I hope to make it yours as well,...
Jul 09, 2023
By Matt Bud, The FENG
Just as they should require finance and accounting courses for the members of the other professions in this world, they probably should require more marketing classes for the members of our profession.The question we are always trying to address, whether we are looking for work or currentl...
Jun 12, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
If I may paraphrase a line from the somewhat forgettable movie “My Cousin Vinny,” this is no time to blend. (With Marisa Tomei and Joe Pesci)The essence of a job search is identifying and communicating that which is unique about you to the rest of the world.It is of course normal for human...
Jun 11, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
It sure is difficult to be focused. As each of us over the age of 40 looks at our career prospects for the rest of our working lives, it is all very easy to believe that we need to expand the market for our services to ensure that we can find another job. (After all, how many buggy whips a...
May 09, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
Yes, I am talking to you.The purpose of my evening editorial is to make all of you better at managing your careers, and in particular to educate you on what I believe are the key issues in appearing more professional and technology savvy in the digital world we all live in.Let me start as ...
Apr 18, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
Probably one of the hardest things to do in life is to define who you are. Are you really your resume?Because we tend to be at companies longer than the members of other discipline areas, the reality of what it is we REALLY do best is not always obvious to us.Some time ago when one of my f...
Apr 11, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
We have all heard the old saw: “You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.” There is also this amendment: “Don’t make your first impression your last.”I only wish everyone would be so kind as to repeat these sayings to themselves in all the things they do with regard to...
Apr 04, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
Speaking with strangers is never fun. And, if these strangers are deciding whether or not to hire you, it can be a little stressful, especially if you want the job. There are so many ways to offend and so few ways to ingratiate yourself without appearing overly solicitous. In the cla...
Feb 07, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG
There is a rumor out in the world that the attention span of your “average American” is getting shorter. Sad to say, but most likely very true. We see it all around us. So many things are screaming for our attention on a given day. Before the advent of computers, it was quite a bit hard...
Feb 06, 2024
By Matt Bud, The FENG