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How to get to YES!
Executive Coach and Career Guru, Charlotte Lee presents "How to get to YES!"
Whether it is trying to get an introduction or a meeting, attempting to get that important interview or negotiate a critical deal, it’s often about getting the other person to say YES!
Join Executive and Career Coach, Charlotte Lee and learn some tips that will better your chances of more YES’s!
Charlotte is a former investment banker and most recently was the head of the New York and Stamford offices of LHH, a subsidiary of the largest HR firm, Adecco. At LHH, they assisted more than 500,000 clients per year in 65 countries and 300 offices.
Charlotte has a five star book on Amazon, "Bring a Dead Mouse: The Secret to Finding Your Perfect Job" (five stars on Amazon) and has also written a children’s book, "Where are you moon?". She is a certified literacy teacher, has served on a number of Boards and is a frequent industry speaker.
She currently runs her own coaching firm, and lives with her family in Springfield, Illinois after spending her entire life in New York.
Every conversation with Charlotte is insightful, generous, and occasionally challenging.
Charlotte A. Lee
Executive Coach/Founder
(516) 429-7857