Meeting Information
Killer Interview Techniques
Monday February 27, 2023
6:00pm - 7:30pm US/Eastern GMT-5:00
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Topic: A killer interview technique that works - interview techniques that have garnered success in getting a job offer in over 90% of the interviews

Speaker: Paul Cecala, founder of Cecala Career Consultants
Get the OFFER! – A killer interview technique that works – The workshop will cover a baker’s dozen of tips for interview success. It focuses on a 4-step interview process that has garnered success in getting a job offer in over 90% of the interviews where it has been used. You will learn how to create success stories that answer all the interviewer’s questions.  Leave with a specific process that will give you control over the interview including questions to end the interview leaving little doubt as to your future candidacy. Receive an MSWord template to use in preparing for and conducting the interview.


Speaker’s Bio:
Paul Cecala is a certified Global Career Development Facilitator, work search author, and founder of Cecala Career Consultants. Since 1999 he has assisted over 3000 job seekers ranging from C-Suite executives to college students.

Paul specializes in creating job search project plans and is recognized for his empathetic listening skills. He has been commended for networking skills, interview techniques, and resume writing. He has assisted people from a variety of backgrounds with expertise in DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion), aviation, business leadership, project management, technology, pharma/biotech, and healthcare.

Paul currently facilitates job seeker networking groups for 4 different organizations. He has helmed the adult professional education programs for 2 colleges and a NJ Dept. of Labor One-Stop Career Center.

Prior to career coaching, he spent 15 years in corporate aviation sales with industry leading organizations and ending as Vice President of Aircraft Charter Sales.

Paul has his BS in Psychology from Florida Institute of Technology.  He has published a book and numerous articles on career coaching in a variety of publications. He lives in Morris County, NJ, with his husband and teenage son.

For meeting information, please contact:

Ernie Russom

(610) 405-4818
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