Please go to the Meredith reception area / security desk on the 2nd floor of 225 Liberty Street
* Present a photo ID and let them know you're here for the 11:00 am meeting in Room 4.S228
* Once you get your pass please go to the 5th floor and take a right out of the elevators to go to the 5th floor reception desk
* The reception desk will let you through the glass doors
* Go down the stairs to the 4th floor and walk straight towards the cafeteria
* Just before the cafeteria take a left into a group of conference rooms - this is where Room 4.S228 is located.
* There are locked doors to get into the group of conference rooms. I will periodically open these doors so guests can access the area.
Joe Clausen
cell 212-579-4397
Bring Your Own "Brown Bag Lunch" (BYOBBL)
11:00 to 11:15 - Welcome from Chairs:
+++ Joe Clausen
+++ Alex DeVincenzo
+++ Tom Hall
+++ Hugh Glazer
11:15 to 11:45 - "90" Second Elevator Pitches
11:45 to 12:00 - Commence "Bring Your Own Brown Bag Lunch"
12:00 to 12:30 - Discus plans for the Media SIG:
1 - Frequency of meetings?
2 - Meeting format?
3 - Physical location of meeting?
4 - Time of the day or evening?
5 - Use of outside Presenters?
12:30 to 1:00 - Open networking with other Members