Meeting Information
Tuesday February 18, 2020
6:00pm - 8:00pm
New York Restoration Project
254 W 31st Street, 10th Floor
Located just south of Penn Station off Eighth Avenue

Meeting capacity:


Suggested Donation:

Guest speaker Rob Danzig will speak about the increasing importance of planned giving in the Not for Profit arena. The greatest hand off of inheritance will occur with the baby boomer generation and Not for Profits must strategise on how to be "in the will" during this historic moment.

Robert is a regular supporter of the NFP SIG comes with a rich background and current cutting edge knowledge about this new and important potential revenue stream

Rob's expertise includes planned giving, principal gifts and major gifts development at major New York City not-for profit organizations and high net worth client relationship management, planned giving administration and investment management and Donor Advised Funds at private bank and trust companies. His work involves providing donors with great philanthropic experiences so they gain tremendous value and satisfaction from their philanthropy. Certifications include: Certified Financial Planner (CFP), and Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy (CAP).

For meeting information, please contact:

Tim Domini

(914) 263-2135
Please login/register in order to RSVP and see the participants list.