Speaker: Marty Latman, Managing Partner of The FENG; Bergen County, NJ Chair; and Managing Partner of Latman Advisory Services LLC
Being in-transition for a short or long period of time can be a very stressful. You can get depressed, angry and confused. You can lose your self-confidence. What can you do to change this situation? Do you need a Career Coach to help you get through this period and help advance your career?
Please join us on November 19, 2020 as Marty Latman discusses ”How do I choose a Career Coach?” Marty will discuss the types of coaches, how they may help you and questions you need to ask yourself before you consider a potential coach.
Speaker's bio:
Marty Latman, called by many people as the “Best Networker” they know, is the Managing Partner of Latman Advisory Services LLC. From business consulting to financial advisement to professional career development and career coaching, Latman Advisory Services is dedicated to helping you achieve your personal or business goals. With his past experience working in both public and private industry, Marty trains, teaches, advises and supports people in different industries and various disciplines in the techniques needed to be successful in the job search campaign.
Marty is known as a “match maker” and “people helper”. Over 1,200 people have told him that through his help, they were able to “land” the position they desired.
Marty Latman
201-919-2607 - Cell
201-337-7554 - Home [email protected]