Meeting Information
Wednesday March 18, 2015
1:00pm - 2:00pm

Meeting capacity:


Suggested Donation:

Presentation by Roger Torneden from UCLA.

Roger Torneden is an economist and Program Director for UCLA Extension, “Business, Management and Legal Programs”. The first 30 minutes will be about the key role of trade credit in today’s economy, economic factors affecting the business climate today. We will finish by discussing a UCLA Extension Certificate Program Roger and I helped develop in Credit Analysis and Management. Instruction is offered both on campus with many courses online for global access. This is a graduate level program aimed at financial executives, MBA’s looking to round out their knowledge and small to medium sized business owners and executives. My SIG and general FENG members should be interested if they are in a credit management career or transition or are senior financial exec alumni looking to develop staff.

There would be 30 minutes topical presentation followed by 30 minutes of Q&A.

For meeting information, please contact:

Bob Shultz

(805) 520-7880
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