Meeting Information
SBA 2025: Everything You Need to Know When You Meet Your Banker
Tuesday January 14, 2025
3:30pm - 5:00pm US/Arizona GMT-7:00
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Topic: SBA 2025: Everything You Need to Know When You Meet Your Banker

Speaker: Matthew Mapes, Senior Vice President/SBA Lender, Bell Bank

I.    Who Can Use an SBA Loan

II.   When to Use an SBA Loan

III.  Programs 7(a) & 504

IV.  Why SBA?

V.   SBA Loans: Separating Fact From Fiction

VI.  What Sets Our SBA Team Apart

VII.  Questions and Answers

Speaker's bio:
Matthew is responsible for leading the development and growth of Small Business Administration (SBA) lending in Arizona for Bell bank. Working in banking since 2004, he uses his extensive knowledge of commercial banking and the U.S. Small Business Administration to help business owners evaluate and structure loans to minimize risk and maximize their growth potential, helping businesses navigate the application and approval process of both the bank and the SBA. 

Hailing from Midland, Mich., he holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Northwood University, where he graduated magna cum laude. Since high school, he has have lived by the principle, “If you want it, work for it.” While studying engineering in college, he worked part-time at a credit union where his employer offered to pay his college tuition if he would change his major to banking. Recognizing a great opportunity, he made the switch and hasn’t looked back. 

Throughout his career, Matthew seeks successful leaders to work under, knowing that by contributing to their success, he will also bring out the best in himself. This has rewarded him with progressively more responsible roles in collections, special assets workouts, portfolio management and commercial banking. He has specialized in SBA lending since 2013 and was awarded the 2015 U.S. Small Business Administration Arizona Financial Services Champion of the Year, and 2019 Coleman SBA BDO of the year. 

An active community volunteer, Matthew is a former trustee on the board of directors for CoBiz Cares Foundation, a non-profit organization that has granted over $1 million in grants to Arizona and Colorado nonprofit organizations, he also served on the advisory board of directors for Release the Fear, a nonprofit organization that uses the creative processes of art, music and communication to help youth and young adults combat peer pressure, bullying, anger and violence. 

His wife, Ashley, and he live in Phoenix and have 2 dogs. Outside of work, he enjoys working on his racecar, motor sports and outdoor activities.  

For meeting information, please contact:

Mark Johnson
(602) 882-3086
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