Meeting Information
"Tips and pointers on how to elevate your leadership and improve your career and business."
Tuesday July 9, 2024
7:00pm - 8:30pm US/Eastern GMT-4:00

Meeting capacity:


Suggested Donation:


Topic: "Tips and pointers on how to elevate your leadership and improve your career and business."

Speaker:  Brian Frohn, Executive Coach, Stoic Executive 

This session will give tips and pointers on how to elevate your leadership and improve your career and business.

Speaker's bio:
Brian spent 20 years in executive leadership roles, including CEO of Ned Davis Research and CFO of the Asset Management division of Euromoney. His practice is based on the belief that organizations are only as effective as their leaders. A leader's impact on others is the most impactful controllable factor on how an organization performs.

Every leader and situation is unique which is why 1-on-1 executive coaching combined with team working sessions uncover new insights and approaches that work for your organization. Brian's focus is on helping executives improve their leadership by helping them figure out what they specifically need to work given their unique strengths, weaknesses, and situation by helping them implement a plan to ensure success.

Brian Frohn
For meeting information, please contact:

Scott Netzley

(224) 828-0727
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