Meeting Information
What is Medi-Share? Could It Be Right For You?
Tuesday January 16, 2024
5:30pm - 7:30pm US/Eastern GMT-5:00
Lake Nona Performance Club
6775 Chopra Terrace
Orlando, FL 32827

Conference room next to lobby.

Meeting capacity:


Suggested Donation:


Topic: What is Medi-Share? Could It Be Right For You?  


Speaker: Mark Brice, The FENG’s Orlando Chapter Co-Chair


Medi-Share is a faith-based group of Christians who agree to share each other’s medical expenses in accordance with the principles espoused in The Bible.  It is a perfectly legal and highly affordable alternative to traditional health insurance. More than 135,000 U.S. households are currently linked as members of the Medi-Share community. The program is administered by Christian Care Ministry, Inc., a registered 501c3 nonprofit headquartered in Melbourne, Florida. Medi-Share has discounted or shared more than $7 Billion worth of medical expenses since 1993.


Mark Brice will make an informative presentation on what Medi-Share is, and just as importantly what it isn’t, so that each member of the audience can decide for themself if health care sharing might make sense for their family. This will not be a sales pitch, and nobody will be pressured in any way to join Medi-Share.

For meeting information, please contact:

John Wilenski

(615) 938-0988
Please login/register in order to RSVP and see the participants list.