Search Firms & Search Professionals

In our organization, recruiters and search professionals are considered "Friends of The FENG."

The FENG is the world's largest networking group of senior financial officers. Our 36,000+ members are primarily CFO's, Controllers, and VP's of Finance, Treasury, Tax or M&A. Utilizing The FENG for your senior level financial searches will shorten your timelines and enable you to deliver great candidates.

Have you ever wondered how many manufacturing types there are in Chicago?
Would you like a sense of how many folks have worked at specific companies?

Now you can get these questions answered instantly as a Friend of The FENG. All you have to do is sign into our website and use our Recruiter Toolbox. It allows you to examine our demographics.

If you need help using this tool, feel free to call our chairman, Matt Bud at (203) 227-8965. He is always interested in hearing from you on any and all concerns you have about providing opportunities to our members. We look forward to hearing from you and being of service.

The Entrepreneur Option