Topic: Virtual Education During These Challenging Times
Speaker: Minor Alfaro, Director of Technology at the Omar Dengo Foundation in Costa Rica
Mr. Minor Alfaro is going to be presenting on his first-hand experiences with virtual education during these challenging times. He is currently the Director of Technology at the Omar Dengo Foundation in Costa Rica, a private non-profit which works closely with the Ministry of Education and was set up to help the development of education through the implementation of new technologies. Part of his role has been to design and implement a new generation technology platform for the Costa Rican public school system. In the middle of managing the existing infrastructure and designing its replacement, education around the world was suddenly confronted with a new set of challenges.
Speaker's bio:
Mr. Alfaro has an undergraduate degree in Computer Engineering and a Master’s degree in Business Administration from ULACIT (Latin American University for Science and Technology). Among other accomplishments, he was one of the main architects of the cloud computing strategy and implementation for a multinational company, a project which turned into a showcase for several large software companies and was at one time the largest Microsoft customer in all of Latin America.